Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Always, Ian ...
  The Discovered Journey of Ian Morrison Smith in WWII

Dooley Intermed is delighted to make available a most wonderful book, Always, Ian, written by his daughter, Pat Smith Hopper and the Forword written by Dr. Verne Chaney.  Mrs. Hopper is generously donating a portion of the royalties to Dooley Intermed International.

Ian Smith was very helpful to his good friend Dr. Verne Chaney and The Tom Dooley Foundation especially in the early years.

Mr. Smith (born in Australia) was the founder of Medical Coaches which  built, delivered and donated mobile medical units for Dooley Intermed in early 1960's and subsequently went on to build more than 20,000 custom-designed, special-purpose mobile units for over 110 countries and all 50 United States. Two of the Dooley units went to India where Tibetan refugees have congregated. In 1960, the late Dr. Thomas Dooley promised the Dalai Lama he would deliver two medical coach units for use among the refugees. And in 1962 they were completed, and the promised two coaches left Oneonta, NY and were driven to San Francisco where they went on display (Ian's 15 year-old  son, Geoffrey rode in the mobile clinic out to California and met Dr. Chaney for the first time). Thousands of people paid a dollar apiece to autograph the sides of the unit in gold leaf, and so, when the coaches arrived in India and were delivered into the hands of the Dalai Lama on January 17, 1962 they carried thousands of personalized messages from Americans to the dispossessed people of Tibet.

After Ian Smith's death in 1976, his son Geoffrey Smith, took the helm as Company President. And, in 1976 he became Chairman of Dooley Intermed International to present day.

Click this link to purchase "Always, Ian" and support Dooley Intermed

Thank You!

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